Enigma Boysluv - Yaoi Proof: Dragon Ball Z/GT (Goku x Vegeta)

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Dragon Ball Z

Buu and Vegitto sagas.

There's even more evidence in the Vegetto saga. While fighting Buu they somehow mastered a variety of perfectly coordinated team attack moves like Goten and Torankusu. In one "attack" Gokuu presses himself to Bejiita as close as possible, the next best thing to fusing since they couldn't use the earings anymore. Reguardless, being that close was really not at all necessary for the attack. Then after Buu was temporarily blown to bits, Gokuu didn't move away:
Bejiita: "How long are you gonna squeeze yourself against me?! We have to destroy the remains of Buu!
Gokuu: "OH! Oh yea!"

I guess Gokuu's mind was somewhere else at the time.

Going on the trend of point 1, the english, Cartoon Network version has unwhittingly added quite a bit of yaoi in these sagas. That same part of the series mentioned in point one with slightly different lines:
Bejiita: If you don't mind, I think I'd like to sit out the rest of this dance.
Gokuu: Sure! Looks like we have some housekeeping to do anyway!
Odd change don't you think.

Surprisingly a great many of Gokuu and Bejiita's dialogue was changed dramatically. Even thought I know Cartoon Networkwas trying to clean it up, again they added more yaoi than they cut out. Half of the time before Gokuu and Bejiita fused into Vegitto, they argued like and old married couple. The whole conversation sounded so very wrong.
Gokuu: Put this on right now.
Bejiita: No! Why should I?!
Gokuu: You have to put this on before our bodies can fuse!
Bejiita: The offer sounds tempting but I'll have to decline.
Gokuu: That's not an option right now!
Bejiita : Rrrr. You think I don't know what you did to me?!
Gokuu: This isn't the time! We have to do it right now!!! (can't quite remember)
Buu: Well! It seems you two have a lot of issues to sort out!

In the first episode of the Vegetto saga, Gokuu and Bejiita were forced to use the Potara earrings to fuse and defeat Buu. As they fuse, they are surrounded by blue light and are pulled crotch first towards each other by some unseen force. All the while Gokuu had this big smile on his face as they are pulled together. It's probably the oddest way to fuse I've ever seen.

Take the fight between Bejiita, Gokuu and Buu while they were inside Buu's head. Everytime Gokuu and Bejiita get blasted back, Gokuu manages to land near or on top of Bejiita. Afterwards, he carries him around making sure he's safe, and somewhat out of harm's way. It was so strange when everytime Bejiita was in some sort of trouble, Gokuu would scream his name and run to his aid like he was a damsel in distress.

Again during that same fight in Buu's head, whatever they got the change they ran back towards each other, or were just near each other. This in itself may not seem all that odd. However they did this in the middle of a fight. Buu started to merge back into himself for some other sneak attack and Bejiita yells He's getting away!! But instead of running towards where Buu went, he ran towards Gokuu in the opposite direction. Why?

Bejiita actually risks his life for Gokuu very often. EX: When they were fighting evil kid Buu, Gokuu needed time to gather energy for the spirit bomb. So Bejiita went to fight and distract Buu even though he knew he would lose. He also knew if he died now he could never be brought back. But he did it anyway.

Gokuu had finally made the spirit bomb and was ready to use it on Buu Unfortunately, Bejiita was in the way. He'd been beaten really badly and couldn't move an inch. Distrssed, Gokuu begs:
Gokuu: Be..Bejiita, hurry up and move!!!
Bejiita: I can't!! Damn it! Just forget about me!! DO IT!
Gokuu: But...Bejiita

This went on for several minutes. He really didn't throw it even though the fate of the universe rested on his shoulders. He only threw it when Satan came and picked Bejiita up and ran while fat (glandular) Buu made a distraction.

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